@ME_AND_LEE move every 89 days
Writer,artist,poet.In exile.Witness-author ME & LEE: How I Came to Know,Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald. World Peace,Human & Animal Rights.Internet Freedom.
Some insist Oswald must have been 'raised speaking Russian' because he spoke it so well,but evidence photos show he had Russian flash cards.
A Minox camera linked to Oswald is in the National Archives but is sealed shut so the serial number can't be seen (CIA had unique numbers).
Crescent City garage owner Adrian Alba said he & Oswald discussed rifles & which ones were best.So why did Oswald mail order a lousy rifle?
Don't believe the lie that LHO(owned complex cameras,developed his own film,handy at Ruth Paine's home,fluent in Russian etc)couldn't drive!
Lee Harvey Oswald looked "like a different person" in death photos than when alive because he bled to death,which flattened facial features.
scribd.com/doc/52670400/I… See my articles on SCRIBD --such as this one-- about how Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for Kennedy's murder.
As a Marine, Lee had to use 4 important knots.In my book ME & LEE I mention his tying string across my bedposts.He didn't use GRANNY KNOTS!
The blanket holding the "killer rifle" was closed with strings using GRANNY KNOTS! Lee, a Marine, was taught never to use such a poor knot.
Warren Commission missed many witnesses such as myself,David Ferrie,some Grassy Knoll witnesses,but got info on Jack Ruby's mother's teeth.
Measure it! In one Backyard Photo, figure of LHO is shown smaller,but fence boards behind him stay SAME height! (Means figure was pasted in)
Black sweater was put on Lee for his final walk to die,so he was dressed in black as in the 'backyard photos' -though he had no black shirt.
Dr.A.J.Hidell (name on Lee's fake health card, US Public Health Service) is a clue to Dr.A.J. Ochsner who ran secret CIA anti-Castro project
After much pro-Castro activity in New Orleans,Lee halted all activities.Why?He was waiting to go to Mexico City on a CIA get-Castro project.
John Newman(Oswald & the CIA p 32):LHO &U-2 info:LHO tracked U-2 flying over China & showed it to his commanding officer.Donovan interview.
ARRB Doc#180-10110-10077(3) Blakey re 5/21/64:NO "lookout" (watch) card is made on LHO tho he visits Soviet &Cuban embassies in Mexico City.
ARRB Doc #124-10160-10009:to FBI Dir.11/26/63.Informant says US Communist Party leaders saw LHO as a "nut" used by FBI to get info on them.
Lee told me 07/63 that CIA would not trust him because he returned to the US alive.Told he would not be promoted higher,Lee feared his fate.
When LBJ died,Madeleine Brown told her son LBJ was his dad.He filed paternity suit and vanished.Found dying of sudden cancer in VA hospital.
CIA's David Atlee Phillips (Lee Oswald said "never forget that name"--helped plan killing JFK) told his brother he urinated on JFK's grave.
Photos show police handling "killer rifle" with bare hands as if knowing no fingerprints would be found(and none were, until LHO was shot)..
PLANTED EVIDENCE:film shows cops "found" "Oswald's" wallet near slain cop's body.But when arrested,cops found Oswald's wallet on his person.
PLANTED EVIDENCE: Expert said fibers "found" on "killer rifle" matched fibers on shirt LHO wore when arrested.BUT LHO had changed his shirt!
Marina Oswald told FBI she took ONE Backyard Photo.Told there was a 2nd photo,she said she must have taken 2.15 yrs later, a 3rd was found!
Lee had a pocketwatch w/timer,his own developing fluids & developed his own photos, yet cops said Backyard Photos were developed in a store!
Lee Oswald (CIA/FBI) had cover jobs & fake work hours.So,when arrested 11/22 approx 1:30 PM,his TSBD timesheet said he worked until 4:45 Pm.
When 13-yr-old Lee saw I LED 3 LIVES on TV, fighting Communism,he decided to become a spy for the US & began studying Marxism and Communism.
Lee Oswald spent the first money earned from his first job on gifts:a parakeet in a cage that held flowers, and a new coat,both for his mom.
While living in the USSR,Lee wrote asking his mom to send a copy of the book 1984,but NO money.The letter sold at auction for $7050 in 2010.
Helen Markham,so-called BEST WITNESS of who killed Tippit,failed 6 TIMES to ID anyone in lineup.Finally TOLD to look at #2, she ID'd Oswald!
FACT:Marina Oswald's interpreters,business manager & lawyer were selected for her, without asking her, by Secret Service Agent Leon Gopadze.
DISINFO:WARREN COMMISSION said Lee Harvey Oswald couldn't drive, even though 26 witnesses said he could.Tried to make LHO look VERY stupid!
DISINFO:Marina Oswald said she locked LHO in bathroom so he couldn't shoot Nixon, though Nixon wasn't in town & bathroom locked from inside!
DISINFO: Jeanne deMohrenschildt testified Lee Oswald did target practice shooting at leaves in a public park as he walked his baby daughter!
Government said they duplicated Lee Oswald's shots(using a rebuilt rifle,shooting 30 feet lower at a stationary target,with expert snipers)
Bag said to hide well-oiled 'killer rifle' had no gun oil,no dents in paper.Bag NOT in 1st photos of sniper's nest,then it's suddenly there!
Night before the assassination Lee saw his wife,played w/ his 2 little daughters,and played ball with a little boy,Chris.Next, murdered JFK?
Wed.Nov 20,1963 Lee told me he would be blamed for JFK's death & would be found dead with a rifle by his body soon after the assassination..
Marina Oswald said her husband Lee said Kennedy was a good man he admired.Thus some say Oswald was actually trying to shoot Gov. Connally.
Lee Harvey Oswald-- only accused Presidential assassin who had no motive. Attempts to make up a motive included jealousy of JFK's virility.
I had to wait 38 yrs before speaking out about Lee Harvey Oswald's innocence. Even so, I had to seek political asylum due to death threats.
Lee Oswald left Mexico City with one less piece of luggage than he brought in. Me & Lee explains that he left a get-Castro bioweapon behind.
Some think Lee Oswald "wasn't Lee" because his autopsy showed no scar behind his ear.But Lee had it removed while hospitalized in the USSR.
Lee Harvey Oswald FRAMED: In Mexico City, an impersonator pretended to be Oswald & contacted Kostikov,a Russian assassin,on a public phone.
Lee Harvey Oswald's favorite books--besides Ian Fleming's James Bond novels --were George Orwell's1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
Five different witnesses said Lee Harvey Oswald was on the CIA payroll -- never known to the Warren Commission,who said he was a "lone nut."
Jack Ruby told Dallas cop Maddox he'd been injected w/ cancer cells by a Dr. from Chicago.Maddox said Ruby was chained to his hospital bed.
Warren Commission said Lee Harvey Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby,was a sleazy nightclub owner who just "lost it" & shot Oswald.But he was Mafia!
Lee Harvey Oswald lived at 4905 Magazine, but PAID BILLS for 4905 AND 4907,where Mr. Eric Rogers lived.Warren Commission/FBI didn't ask why.
"If I stay, that will be one less bullet aimed at Kennedy." Lee Harvey Oswald's words to me, two days before Kennedy was shot by assassins.
Oswald PASSED a VOICE STRESS ANALYSIS when he said "I didn't shoot anybody" but FAILED where he said, "I don't know what this is all about."
The films "JFK","Executive Action" and "Thirteen Days" are much closer to the truth than Tom Hanks' upcoming miniseries on Bugliosi's book.
See Youtube videos at LOLA4jvb4LHO to see a "Magic Bullet" test-shot go through JFK's CHEST while announcer says it's going thru JFK's NECK.
Lee Harvey Oswald was in custody less than 48 hrs when he was shot and killed by mafia bagman Jack Ruby in the presence of 70 Dallas police.
Lee Harvey Oswald learned to play chess in New Orleans, where as a boy he was taught by a Russian immigrant. He became a good chess player.
Lee Harvey Oswald's favorite drink was Dr.Pepper.He gave up smoking & drinking to be a spy,but would pretend to drink/get drunk when needed.
Lee Harvey Oswald, native of New Orleans,where many French,Cajun and Irish Catholics lived, loved football.His favorite team was Notre Dame.
Lee Harvey Oswald tried to save JFK. He sent a Telex Sunday, Nov.17, to the FBI warning that Kennedy was going to be assassinated in Dallas.
In Me & Lee, I tell how Lee Harvey Oswald sat in the back of the Magazine bus in New Orleans, supporting blacks required to sit in the back.
Lee Harvey Oswald's heroes were Herbert Philbrick of the FBI,Lawrence of Arabia(spied for the British in Arabia) and the Scarlet Pimpernel.
After his arrest,Lee Harvey Oswald tried to phone "cutout"(CIA contact man) John Hurt, to help him.Operator,told to cut off his call,did so.
Lee Harvey Oswald,under age at 16, tried to join the Marines by asking his mother to get him a fake birth certificate from a Mafia attorney.
Nov.171963,FBI received a TELEX warning JFK would be "assisnated".Lee Harvey Oswald sent the warning.BTW,He was dyslexic(spelling problems),
Lee Harvey Oswald's map showing him how to get to bus stop to/from work was described by police as a pre-drawn bullet path to shoot Kennedy!
Radiologist Dr. David Mantik proved Magic Bullet could not go thru JFK's neck without smashing vertebrae. X-rays showed that didn't happen.
Police said evil Lee Harvey Oswald ate lunch (chicken & pop) as he sat in sniper's nest waiting to shoot JFK.But it was a black guy's lunch!
Don't believe the testimony of Lee's Harvey Oswald's wife,Marina.Isolated by Secret Service for 6 weeks,she was threatened with deportation.
A blanket that supposedly held Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle was actually his little girl's favorite blanket. Who used it to frame Lee Oswald?
The truth about Lee Harvey Oswald will stun you!"The Warren Commission Missed A Significant JFK Assassination Connection." Flagpole Magazine
MacMcCullough&Anna Lewis stated they saw Lee Harvey Oswald &me together on many occasions in New Orleans.Others were afraid to go on record.
WHO WOULD: shoot from his own workplace,line up the cartridges in a row,& 'escape' in a city bus,w/2 adored baby girls,a job,& HE LIKED JFK?
Officially young Lee "threatened Pic's wife(sister-in-law)w/ a KNIFE." Lee's MOM: Pic's wife hit Lee,who was whittling w/ small pocketknife.
David Ferrie,top pilot/investigator who worked with me&Lee&Dr. Sherman, bought a 4-seat Stinson plane in 1948.Beautiful plane, still in use!
Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden ("The Kennedys." )1st black to serve,was jailed after complaining about SS gross failure to protect JFK.
I cannot sign books in exile.But through you,Lee's voice can be heard! The key to what went wrong with our country begins with the JFK Coup.
Love conquers all. I wrote Me & Lee because I LOVED HIM, and the truth had been twisted beyond recognition.See judythbaker.blogspot.com.
See Lola4JVB4LHO videos on YouTube for stunning info about Lee Harvey Oswald & who JFK's REAL enemies were.They & associates still in power!
Well,the reviews were put back on.Now,who would want to erase reviews for Me & LEE? Have fought censorship all along.Must live in exile,too.
Lee Harvey Oswald had ID card from US Public Health Service signed by a fake doctor(Hidell).USPHS is where the cancer cells were rad-zapped.
I at first disliked JFK because I was from Florida, influenced by anti-Castroites.Lee taught me to respect & admire Kennedy as a peacemaker.
Marina Oswald,Lee's estranged wife,told Warren Commission Lee had educated her about John F.Kennedy & had only good things to say about him.
Lee Harvey Oswald & I worked at Reily's,only a block from Eli Lilly, where Lee picked up chemicals for the CIA-sponsored get-Castro project.
I've been condemned for reporting the atrocity of using prisoners for cancer tests(as an accessory to murder)-SO SAY NOTHING, as others did?
In 1963 we created a fast-acting cancer:tumors in baby mice grew to same size as the mice in just 7 days.Told we were serving our country!
Mr. BALL.Did you recognize anyone in the lineup? Mrs.[Helen] MARKHAM.No, Sir. BUT GOVT. SAYS SHE ID'D LEE HARVEY OSWALD AS KILLER OF A COP
Jesse Ventura RIGHT that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have shot Kennedy with the lousy MC rifle,no practice,moving target.Oswald was framed!
Jesse Ventura,a sniper shooter,couldn't duplicate shots Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly did,even with target not moving.ONLY RIGGED TESTS CAN!.
Lee Harvey Oswald read Marxist & Communist books & wrote to Commies as a young teen to learn about them, just as his FBI hero,Philbrick,did.
Jesse Ventura learned Lee Harvey Oswald was a government agent from my book,Me & Lee.Lee got $200/mo CIA,$200/mo FBI(=$4000/mo.in today's $)
DR.MARY'S MONKEY tells how a cancer virus from polio vaccines became deadly.In ME & LEE learn how Lee Harvey Oswald spied on it for the CIA.
Lee Harvey Oswald,myself,Dr.Mary Sherman & others worked w/ a cancer virus to kill Castro.A similar virus got into YOU from polio vaccines.
Today's news:"new evidence two popular birth control pills may put women at a higher risk for blood clots." In 1963,Dr.Ochsner told me that!
FBI said 24-yr-old Lee Harvey Oswald couldn't drive,believing his wife (he told her he couldn't drive to hide his clandestine activities).
Lee Harvey Oswald could drive,but turned in his TX license after Highway Patrol flagged it as belonging to a communist(Lee was not a 'Red.')
Jesse Ventura could not interview me for ME & Lee, the book he recommends, because I live in exile for my safety.Thank God for the Internet!
Learning what they did to Lee Harvey Oswald will teach you what they did to President Kennedy.After they died,their reputations were ruined.
Lee & I were hired same day at Standard Coffee,then transferred together (same day)a week later to Reily's after our records were laundered.
I was fired Aug. 9 1963 from Reily - same day Lee was arrested for handing out pro-Castro flyers- because I was seen bringing flyers to him.
Jesse Ventura told how I signed Lee Oswald's time cards at Reily's to cover up Lee's absences.FBI took the cards, but I got copies of them!
Lee Harvey Oswald was in Mexico City only a few days,though he had a 15 day visa,because he couriered a bioweapon with a limited shelf life.
If you like FUNNY don't miss "crashingcrockery" 's parodies about Lee Harvey Oswald on YOUTUBE.Paul is gay--Lee was not--but have a laugh!
Have you ever thought how much Texas, where JFK died, has run the country ever since, through influence, wars,Presidential races, and power?
History Channel banned episodes 7-8-9 of THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY implicating LBJ.Books ME & LEE , LBJ MASTERMIND show LBJ's involvement.
David Atlee Phillips, CIA honcho,bragged he urinated on Kennedy's grave. A dying Phillips admitted to his brother he was in Dallas Nov. 22.
CIA agent Veciana said he & Lee Harvey Oswald met their CIA handler (David Atlee Phillips) in Dallas.Later,Lee said Phillips helped kill JFK
Pro Sniper Craig Roberts: The word that came to mind...as I looked down through the window to Elm Street and the kill zone was: IMPOSSIBLE!
LANE.Do you feel...the FBI actually tried to get you to change your statement that Oswald was a poor shot.DELGADO.Yes, sir, I definitely do.
3 years before Howard Hunt said "The Big Event" referred to the JFK assassination(CIA project),editors read it in my book(became ME & LEE).
I can't give up. See reviews of ME & Lee on Amazon. Visit meandlee dot com.
Even though his name & workplace was on the news & on TV, in LINEUPS Lee Harvey Oswald was ordered to give his name & tell where he worked!
Lee Harvey Oswald's BMI was 19.9 He had excellent eyesight & could read a newspaper from across the street.Had poor hearing in his left ear.
Because the "Hunt letter" is signed "Lee Harvey Oswald" and docs show Lee typically only used his middle initial, the letter is likely fake.
Lee Harvey Oswald wrote his middle name only when required on documents. Russians called him "Alik" because "Lee" sounded Chinese to them.
Lee Harvey Oswald & I both read Russian,played chess,drank lots of milk, liked fishing,astronomy,classical music,opera, & science fiction.
The (broken).38 snub-nose S&W revolver Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly used to shoot J.D.Tippit was the favored gun of off-duty Dallas police.
Lee Harvey Oswald & Judyth Vary Baker rode the Magazine Bus to & from W.B.Reily Co. most days for 11 weeks, living just one bus stop apart.
Cold War Ploy:Lee Harvey Oswald had his mail from the USSR sent to Eric Rogers' 4907 address to protect his family during pro-Castro stunts.
FBI described Lee Harvey Oswald (lived at 4905 Mag. St.) as derelict in paying his bills (at 4907 Mag.St) when he left New Orleans Sept 1963
Lee Harvey Oswald lived at 4905 Magazine St.but paid utility bills for E. Rogers (4907).Rogers' 4907 address was on Lee's pro-Castro flyers.
When JFK's limo reached Parkland Hospital,Secret Service quickly washed blood/brains off the trunk,removing evidence of a Grassy Knoll shot.
A blanket supposedly lay on a dirty garage floor strewn with wood chips for 2 months,holding Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle -- but it was CLEAN.
The infamous "backyard photos" show Lee Harvey Oswald wearing a black shirt, but everyone (even police) agree Lee did not own a black shirt.
Lee Harvey Oswald & I were lovers.I testify of his innocence in my book,ME&LEE (Amazon/Trine Day). One of Lee's anagrams: Ladylove Was Here.
Police shaved Lee Harvey Oswald (even his privates)for "samples." Later, CUT pubic hairs "connected" Lee to rifle.ANAGRAM:Shaved All Over Ye
Records & witnesses: Lee Harvey Oswald saved JFK's life in Chicago. His anagrams, "Hallowed Saver Ye" and "Revealed Was Holy" are shockers.
Witnesses saw Lee Harvey Oswald w/Trade Mart Director Clay Shaw,in Clinton, LA,waiting hours in a black Cadillac.Only ME&LEE has told WHY.
TX Theater,Nov 22:Lee Harvey Oswald kept changing seats to sit next to somebody new(which is how a spy would make a contact)before arrested.
Do you have cancer?Natural News & similar sites may help.As a former cancer researcher,I deplore how some alternative treatments are ignored
We could have cured cancer decades ago, but a cure hurts Big Pharma, Cancer Centers would lose billions. Read ME & LEE by Judyth Vary Baker.
"The Love Affair"(History Channel 2003 about Lee Oswald& me)was banned after 2 former Presidents,Lady Bird Johnson & etc threatened lawsuits
ANAGRAMS FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD:Revealed Slay WHO,Revealed Slay HOW,Revealed Also WHY(Lee tipoff to FBI saved JFK in Chicago!See book Me&Lee)
@impossiblebones Lee’s anagrams:Revealed Slay WHO,Revealed Slay HOW,Revealed Also WHY(to readers: investigating Lee reveals REAL slayers, HOW they did it, and WHY!)
@Letitiao708 Lee wasn't AT that "trial" & much new evidence now out there, plus witnesses.Get DVDs from lee-harvey-oswald.com. Read Me&Lee.
@traetrae2010 FACT: Jack Ruby called twice, warning that Lee would be killed the next day. Jack Ruby didn't want to do it. Read Lee & ME.
@klayton86 Yes,Lee was dyslexic, but read voraciously. He had an excellent audio memory due to it & mastered Russian. Read my book ME & LEE.
"My God!They're going to kill us ALL!" TX Gov. John Connally,in same car with Kennedy,as JFK was shot. LBJ had begged John to ride with HIM.
Banned History Channel Docu's on JFK's death:THE SMOKING GUNS,THE LOVE AFFAIR,THE GUILTY MEN.See THE LOVE AFFAIR at lee-harvey-oswald.com.
When Lee Harvey Oswald was shot,1st taken to small room where was given a "massage" that made him bleed faster.No oxygen given in ambulance.
In Sweden,which has a very low prostitution rate,ONLY the man who tries to purchase sex is charged. It works. See CNN "human trafficking".
Jack Ruby,Dallas mobster nightclub owner who shot Lee, said he was injected w/ cancer cells by Chicago Dr. Died of it,stopping a new trial.
Lee Harvey Oswald somehow got his Visa to Russia in just 24 hours.See Peter Wronski's OSWALD IN MINSK site.Such speed for visa - unheard of.
Dr. Alton Ochsner demonstrated safety of polio vaccine by publicly giving shots to 2 grandchildren(Contaminated!).Both got polio.One died.
FBI agent Hosty destroyed "threatening note" from Lee on orders after the assassination.If bad,why wasn't it given to police?Think about it.
Lee bought his mother a new coat and gave her a parakeet for Mother's Day when he was a young teen.
U LA Prof.Michael Kurtz saw Lee Harvey Oswald & Guy Banister working together discussing segregation w/ students on campuses.(Lee hated it!)
Lee Harvey Oswald was such a bad shot in USSR that his friends in the gun club he joined shot a rabbit for him to bring home.Read Lee & Me!
@piggie684 Please consider giving fewer vaccines at once. We don't even do this to puppies.See what vets say about multi-vaccines for pups.
Allen Dulles[CIA] was fired by JFK(who wanted to disband CIA).Dulles (Warren Comm)made sure only Lee Harvey Oswald was investigated,not CIA.
@dailykos "Stopping a government program is almost impossible because it takes more energy to stop it than to start it."David W. Ferrie,1963
"The thing I am concerned about...is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin." FBI Dir.Hoover
"We have not been told the truth about [Lee Harvey] Oswald." Sen. Richard Russell,of Warren Commission, to researcher Harold Weisberg, 1970
Jim and Elsie Wilcott (CIA)Tokyo Station,said Lee Harvey Oswald was CIA. San Francisco Chronicle, "...Oswald and the CIA," 12 September 1978
Lee Harvey Oswald used a fake health card signed by "Dr. Hidell" issued by US Public Health Service, New Orleans to avoid unneeded vaccines.
Lee Harvey Oswald did lab work in New Orleans. At same time, half-brother John Pic ran part of a military hospital's pathology lab in Texas.
@googlebooks We could have cured cancer in the early 1970's.See my book Me & Lee,How Came to Know,Love & Lose Lee Harvey Oswald for details.
Lee Harvey Oswald had the word 'microdot' in his address book.In 60's, only spies knew photo-messages could be reduced to the size of a dot.
Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie & Jack Ruby were same height 5'9"(69"). In 60's, 68.9" was average height--not short (CDC Data Ed #347 2004)
Lee Harvey Oswald wrote w/ his right hand but often ate w/ his left hand. He was born left-handed -- but forced in school to use right hand.
See Me &Lee (and website meandlee.com) about how Lee Harvey Oswald & how I posed as his wife in New Orleans, working for anti-Castro forces.
Me & Lee:How I Came to Know,Love & Lose Lee Harvey Oswald--I live in exile and cannot even sign a book or appear in public.YOU are my voice!
Cover jobs: Lee Harvey Oswald & I worked 1 wk. at Standard Coffee, then after we laundered his records, we moved same day to Reily Coffee.
Lee Harvey Oswald worked across St. from Rep. Edwin Willis,head of The Unamerican Activities Committee(ignored ALL Lee's pro-Castro stunts).
When witness said JFK's shooter wore a white shirt, Lee Harvey Oswald's brown shirt was removed & Lee was photographed in his white T-shirt.
Warren Burroughs asst. manager said Lee Harvey Oswald bought popcorn from him at 1:15 PM.Tippit was shot at 1:10-1:15(mile away).Lee blamed.
Lee Harvey Oswald's best friend in Dallas,George deMohrenschildt, was called "Uncle George" by Jackie Kennedy. George dated Jackie's mother!
Lee Harvey Oswald pretended he did not know how to drive, but 25 people, including me, knew better.Read my book ME & LEE.Truth sets us free.
Among Lee Harvey Oswald's possessions when arrested was a PEDOMETER.They were rare in 1963. Used by spies to pace off precise distances.
Lee Harvey Oswald read all the James Bond books in 1963.When arrested, he was reading THE SPY WHO LOVED ME,borrowed from the Dallas library.
Lee Harvey Oswald took paper route to help buy his Civil Air Patrol uniform when he was a young teen in New Orleans.CAP was ultra-patriotic.
With NO airmail stamp the(fake)order form for the "OSWALD" MC rifle got to Chicago from Dallas in ONE day & was processed SAME DAY.
Lee Harvey Oswald developed all his own photos, as George deMohrenschildt wrote & I saw. But the"Backyard Photos" were developed at a STORE.
@Pantagruella Lee only ORALLY 'renounced' US citizenship.Knew US Embassy was bugged.Just a ploy.Got his passport back FAST to return to US.
@josedelariva48 @ohyazmine They try to reduce President Kennedy by telling his sins,but he was a great President.Lee was framed.Read Me&Lee.
@JaycubNewtunz Oswald was quickly & falsely accused of killing President Kennedy,then shot dead only 48 hrs. after JFK died to shut him up.
@26cheche @itsmekrisaquino Nothing is 'free' about vaccines. You never know if you're being used as a guinea-pig.Vaccines:use with due care!
Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to be a pilot,but when told he'd be rejected by Air Force due to bad hearing in his left ear,he joined the Marines.
By leaving his passport at US Embassy,Russians were unable to confiscate it & Lee Harvey Oswald 2.8 yrs later used it to return to the US.
Reported:Lee Harvey Oswald read & talked about Communism as a teen.But he also read & talked about Hobbes,Jefferson,Franklin,Adams & Locke.
Lee Harvey Oswald@US Embassy,Moscow,stated he would give US secrets to RUSSIA.All knew Embassy was bugged.Allowed to leave,was not arrested.
JFK & the Unspeakable:Why He Died & Why It Matters:This great book even tells how Lee saved Kennedy's life in Chicago 3 wks. before Dallas.
Lee & family left USSR w/ 7 suitcases.Left Europe with 5.By the time they reached Dallas, had just 3 suitcases.On the record.Had been a SPY.
Lee Harvey Oswald quit drinking when he became a spy.Did not smoke or drink.I attest &So did Marina Oswald(Jack Anderson interview YouTube).
@VaxCalc Making the immune system handle 3 diseases at once is a big demand(DPT& MMR) & should be banned.See Me & Lee and Dr. Mary's Monkey.
@VaccineRisks Health care: an industry where "recalls," and "compensation" are not allowed for products that kill!
In vaccine pre-licensure trials, many combinations of simultaneously administered vaccines remain untested #vaxfax
Among Lee Harvey Oswald's possessions:boxes of flash cards in Russian,German and Spanish.Chemicals for invisible ink.Sophisticated cameras.
Lee Harvey Oswald wrote 2 talks upon his return from Russia.One was pro-USSR,the other anti-USSR(for reporters,depending on orders).WCVolXVI
Inner peace comes not by exerting willpower, but by yielding the will to God.
Fact:Wikipedia's Lee Harvey Oswald biography says he was a high school dropout, but editors REMOVED our note that he got his GED in Marines.
Fact:Lee Harvey Oswald read "Ben Hur-A Story of the Christ"(600 pages) as well as "Everyday Life in Ancient Rome" to learn more about Jesus.
Fact:Lee Harvey Oswald, returned "defector" from USSR, got a new US passport in 24 hrs. Learn how you've been lied to in my book, Me & Lee.
@GOOD Your advice on reducing stress is good.Deer & other animals die under stress.Test it: turn off your GADGETS! Feel the blessed SILENCE!
Lee Harvey Oswald wanted 18-year-olds to vote long before it became a US law.Learn more about the real Lee (framed for murder) in ME & LEE.
@TheLoveStories But people can ruin your reputation.Think on Christ, crowned with thorns.You cannot EARN respect. You can only hope for it.
@TheLoveStories @TRZRMKY If you think you can only rely on yourself, you have yet to learn great lessons about the decency of people.
@dailykos The deliberate destruction of any human being because of a book, or of any book because of a human being, is the act of a fool.
Good 'charity' rule:what if what you give others,you get same in Heaven? Did you give the poor sirloin steaks & wine,or just a can of beans?
You can't change the world, but where your pathway goes, make it beautiful.
Gosh,my blog judythbaker.blogspot.com ("Me and Lee/Judyth Vary Baker")is read in many countries,even Ukraine & Slovenia.People who knew Lee?
Lee Harvey Oswald's fav movie theme music-EXODUS,LAWRENCE OF ARABIA,KING & I."Our" song:Everly Brothers LET IT BE ME.Liked guitar riffs,too.
@amnesty The danger for the world is WHO owns media. US media is all tied up.Might as well be state-run.Could not get an honest book review.
@theResurgence @PastorMark They just have to remember how Jesus put everyone ahead of himself. The Lord helps me stay content even in exile.
@infomazine NY’s bill would allow health care pracs to give STD vaccines to minors without consent/knowledge of parents.ETHICS! Read ME&LEE!
@100caldoc Interesting to see what veterinarians think about multiple vaccines in one shot for puppies.They look for antibodies to decide.
@constanthealth Why not lots of Vit D3 & C,avoid crowds,eat well? See vaccine dangers in the books Me&Lee,Dr.Mary's Monkey,Virus&the Vaccine!
@CONTRACOMA Doctors & the State all but own us.Ethics a problem. We need to defend parental rights.See my book ME&LEE.Also,Dr.Mary's Monkey.
@Terri67722 Hiding vaccine contamination began in the 60's.See my book ME&LEE,also Dr.Mary's Monkey,& The Virus & the Vaccine to learn more.
@HPVinformation And they used to say cancer wasn't caused by a virus!We knew it long ago in New Orleans.Read ME & LEE and Dr. Mary's Monkey.
@AutismRealityNB As med student, saw autism-vaccine connections over & over.Vaccine cover-ups began w/polio vaccine.See my book Me & Lee.
@Gardenwedding Amazing.We have bacteriophage for this! Cheap!.But that doesn't make $$$.See my book Me & Lee about early work with vaccines.
Vaccine Ingredients Calculator is produced by an open source project dedicated to informed consent and freedomhttp://bit.ly/aPmg9n #vaxfax
@Muzzi Vaccines can be dangerous.Read my book, Me & Lee, as well as Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey, & The Virus & the Vaccine. Public must know!
@HarlandLeimberg To see how we got into this mess, read my book Me & Lee, and Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey. Not scaring public was goal.
@v2lanman We did those experiments yrs ago.See my book Me & Lee. Monkey virus now in most people's blood due to contaminated polio vaccines.
@adamhanes i live in exile because of my book Me & Lee.You're right. We who are witnesses suffer.Our country suffers,as the rich get richer.
@theResurgence I am constantly amazed at the wisdom and depth in so many holy writings. What good will be preserved from our writings today?
@DalaiLama One cannot generate a good heart from within. It must come by unifying the self with the good in the universe.
@GOOD I marched with Chavez & for migrant workers' rights in Austin & collected clothes for workers.This great man will never be forgotten!
Lee & I both began work at Reily the same day--May 10,1963--in New Orleans in cover jobs in a CIA project.See the book Me & Lee for details!
Lee Harvey Oswald's hero was Herbert Philbrick, an FBI spy who reported on Communists. His TV series I LED 3 LIVES inspired Lee to be a spy.
Facts re LEE HARVEY OSWALD:barely 24, had 6-wk-old baby daughter (Rachel).His hero? Herbert Philbrick,FBI spy VS Communists (I Led 3 Lives).
Ed Haslam's in New Orleans for his book Dr. Mary's Monkey.TV, radio, etc Telling people about Me & Lee, too, as I cannot (I live in exile).
@firesideint Love is all there is! Have to forgive my enemies, even though I'm lied about for telling the truth about Lee Harvey Oswald.
@DalaiLama Governments rewrite history,thus distorting perceived reality.My book Me & Lee restores reality of Lee Harvey Oswald as innocent.
Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT a Communist! He wrote "A system opposed to the communists" W.C. Vol. XVI C.E. 98,p.431.Get the truth from ME&Lee!
Lee Harvey Oswald wrote that because big government is corrupt, "communities [must] practice democracy at the local level." WCE 25 V.XVI
In Dallas, Lee Harvey Oswald was falsely accused of two murders (one being Kennedy) without a lawyer present, though he kept asking for one!
Queen Rania of Jordan is truly a great queen.
Do you believe everything governments tell you about the safety of nuclear energy? Don't think IF a plant will someday fail.They WILL fail.
Hundreds of nuclear reactors across the globe! Learn more about radiation dangers from Ed Haslam's book Dr. Mary's Monkey, and from ME & LEE
Lee Harvey Oswald,shot on national TV to silence him, saved Kennedy's life in Chicago.Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden & I agree on this!
Diana Wynne Jones: Lee Harvey Oswald loved sci-fi & would have enjoyed Diana's fantastic work.Lee wrote a sci-fi story "Her Way" that I own.
Lee Harvey Oswald WASN'T gay, but CRASHING CROCKERY'S SPOOFS ON YOUTUBE ABOUT LEE ARE SOOO FUNNY! (Paul sez, Get ME & LEE by Judyth Baker!)
As author of Me & Lee, I live in exile...it's been four years since I've been in the US...threats because my book defends Lee Harvey Oswald
South Bend Tribune told about my book, Me&Lee. Born in South Bend, Indiana! My dad had a column--"Calling C-Q" when a teen there. Ham radio!